The Project
Project Light, Canada Water is a multi-phased dockside regeneration scheme in Southwark. It is a joint venture between Notting Hill Housing and Sellar Design & Development. The site is adjacent to Canada Water underground station and the dock, between London Bridge and Canary Wharf. It includes 150,000sqft of retail and commercial space, including a cinema, bars, restaurants, office space and a 100,000sqft Decathlon store.
This is the largest Jesmonite cladding project to date, with approximately 9000m2 of Jesmonite AC730 external cladding panels specified as a lightweight alternative to traditional heavyweight concrete cladding. Jesmonite Ltd worked closely with the building contractor Ardmore Construction and Jesmonite manufacturer Simplicity Specialist Finishes Ltd to devise a sustainable and fully integrated design solution. Jesmonite Ltd created a bespoke Jesmonite AC730 colour match to achieve the clients desired colour scheme. Jesmonite is the ultimate chameleon material of the building industry, it can be used to replicate the appearance and texture of any surface finish in any number of colours.
The technology behind Jesmonite AC730 allows manufacturers to create large scale panels that offer major weight reductions whilst achieving high levels of impact resistance and flexibility, making Jesmonite AC730 the ideal material solution for external cladding panels.