
Jesmonite AC100 cured surfaces can be sanded using a variety of sandpaper grades to achieve a range of different surface appearances and textures. Most users will start with a coarse sandpaper and then move onto a fine sandpaper grade for finer finishing. The sanding process can be done by hand or with a power sander.

For casting Jesmonite AC100, every 1,000ml of mould volume will require 1,750g of complete mixed Jesmonite AC100 (1,750g Jesmonite AC100 = 1000ml). You can use the Jesmonite calculator by RazzoStudio.

No. The products are sold as a composite and designed specifically to work together. Jesmonite do not test the liquids with other powders.

All Jesmonite products including Jesmonite AC100 are classed as porous and would need to be sealed with a top coat sealer to achieve a waterproof surface.

The Jesmonite Thixotrope is added to the Jesmonite AC100 mix to thicken the material to a ‘gel-coat’ consistency. This is useful when brushing or spraying materials onto moulds with vertical faces as it prevents the material from slumping. Jesmonite Thixotrope is added to the complete Jesmonite AC100 mixture and is mixed in using the Jesmonite High-Shear Mixing Blade. Add drop by drop until the desired consistency is achieved. Typical inclusion rates by weight are 2g–6g per kg (0.2-0.6%) of complete Jesmonite AC100 mix.

Jesmonite AC100 is an Acrylic Modified Gypsum Composite compared to Jesmonite AC730 which is an Acrylic Modified Cementitious Composite. Jesmonite AC100 contains gypsum and is designed to replicate very fine surface detail and Jesmonite AC730 contains decorative aggregates and is designed to replicate concrete and stone surfaces.  

Jesmonite Acrylic Sealer is the most appropriate sealer for Jesmonite AC100 surfaces. The Jesmonite Acrylic Sealer is a pure acrylic coating. We recommend applying the Jesmonite Acrylic Sealer onto Jesmonite AC100 surface with a dense foam roller rather than low density foam and traditional paint rollers. The low density foam and traditional paint rollers can leave streaks where the Jesmonite Acrylic Sealer builds up unevenly on the ends of the rollers.

The set time of Jesmonite AC100 can range between 30 minutes and 2 hours. This depends on the temperature of the room that you are working in. In a warmer environment the Jesmonite will set faster and in a cooler environment the Jesmonite will take a bit longer to set. Once you have demoulded your piece, we suggest you leave your creation to fully cure for 24 hours before sanding or sealing. To learn more about Jesmonite AC100 click here!  

The setting time can be anything between 50 minutes and 2 hours, depending on temperature in the room.

Jesmonite AC100 would be best suited for lightweight jewellery.